Artemis an electrical harp against Asian hornets

Protection of the apiary and honeybees, an electrical harp against all hornets between July and November.
updated October 19, 2022




  • Power 5V 200mA
  • 3500 v between wires
  • Automatic shutdown at night
  • Hornets are attracted to black beads mistaken for bees


MK2.5S ABS 0.2 mm linear advance


1 x Hardware card of Flight Shock product

1 x Harware card switch light sensor and converter

1 x 2 wire cable (length to be defined)

1 x usb type a male connector


Box :

2 x CHC DIN 912 M3 x 6 screws

2 x CHC DIN 912 M3 x 10 screws

7 x CHC DIN 912 M3 x 20 screws

2 x Hexa nut M3

2 x CHC DIN 912 M3 x 6 screws

2 x Hex Socket Flat Pan Head Screws NF EN ISO 7380 M3 x 20

11 x square nuts M3


Slide : Qte 2

2 x Hexa nut M4

2 x CHC DIN 912 M4 x 30 screws


Rings feet  : Qte 2

1 x CHC DIN 912 M3 x 8 screws


Rings pearl  : Qte 2

1 x square nut M3

1 x CHC DIN 912 M3 x 6 screw

5 x pearls of different sizes


Frame :

2 x copper plumbing pipes D18 x L70 (vertical)

2 x copper plumbing pipes D18 x L50 (horizontal)

4 x plumbing pipes T 18

4 x pop rivets D3

1 x corrugated tube (top) D25 x d18 x (22 x 5 rings) 

1 x corrugated tube (bottom) D25 x d18 x (21 x 5 rings + 4) 

2 x sheet metal screw with rounded head M3.5 x 10

1 x beehive frames stainless steel wire spool

1 x grid 500 x 500 mesh 6 x 6 to ajust

5 x steel piano wires 500 mm D5

fixing collars


Frame Feet : Qte 2

1 x copper plumbing pipe D18 x L100 (vertical)

2 x copper plumbing pipe D18 x L150 (horizontal)



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