I made this project a little under a year back when I first got my 3d printer. Found inspiration and got to work.
updated October 13, 2022



I made this back when I saw a Twitch streamer have a cool design nano leaf on his wall, and then I realized how expensive a single panel was. I went straight to AliExpress and bought the absolutely cheapest materials for the project. I decided that I wanted an easy to use modular design. 

There are inserts for magnetic 4 pin connectors. The star shaped body is actually the hex cut out in each side so that you can make your own design. There are two modules for both the hex and the triangle bit. one has a special cutout for a magnetic insert and the other is a blank sided wall. The same instructions for the lid of the nano leaf. You can open the file in Fusion 360 to make changes to the design. Just make sure to combine the like objects together to finalize your product.

Id recommend using a clear filament for the lid portion as you most likely want to see the LED's. I printed mine upside down so that you wouldn't need any support for wasted filament.

The case portion of the design needs to be printed upright, again for no support. 

These are the magnets you will need. make sure to buy the 4 pole version. be very careful when soldering. The magnets were stronger than I expected and I ruined a few of them. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803501671737.html?pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%211.83%211.65%21%21%21%21%21%402132e5eb16602737150743039e8e9b%2112000026806960582%21affd&af=1037591&afref=https%3A%2F%2Fc18.account.push4extension.com%2F&cv=47843&dp=1de838ac6083795daafe3b624ef9a56c&mall_affr=pr3&utm_campaign=1037591&utm_content=47843&utm_medium=cpa&utm_source=admitad&aff_fcid=9faeea03e63c4d7991520a72c00a1ecf-1665642344832-07214&aff_fsk&aff_platform=api-new-hotproduct-download&sk&aff_trace_key=9faeea03e63c4d7991520a72c00a1ecf-1665642344832-07214&terminal_id=1d4aca47f7ec4834ba3087bb4843525c&afSmartRedirect=y&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt&_randl_shipto=US

You will need these lights for the project. I designed them to fit these specifically after I purchased them.


It is key that you have some wire to solder the lights to the magnets. Here is what I used.




Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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