This is my take on the amazing Hive storage developed by O3D. Their boxes were not large enough for my use, so I designed my own. If you don't need this big of a box, please consider purchasing their design on Etsy or downloading the free version from Thingiverse.
I originally purchased their design off Etsy, but the size was just too small for some of the products I wanted to store. I tried scaling up, but this destroyed the tolerances. After asking if they had a larger version, I began modeling my own version that was a bit larger.
My bins are 100mm OD and 104mm deep with an 84mm ID. There are several drawer designs to fit different needs. The customizable drawer has removable bins the interlock to the drawer. This is incredibly handy for small parts. I also designed a wall mount brace, but please be aware of the weight of the contents you store. Make sure you have an appropriate number of wall mounts if you store lots of heavy things.
Tolerances are tight, some as tight as 0.25mm. Please make sure your extrusion width and e-steps are calibrated properly. I used a small hand file to quickly smooth layer lines and added paste wax to all the T slots. I intentionally made tolerances tight so that things don't rattle and everything feels solid.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.