It's an improvement over the stock Elegoo Neptune 2s, cooler, quieter, lighter, and part cooling is at least as good. So if you haven't printed an upgrade yet this one might be fun to try. Something like a Satsana would do the parts cooling better.
I used the stock 4010 fan and a 12v 2510. The 2510 fan i got can cool the heatsink about 10 degrees cooler than stock in this design and at the same time it's super quiet.
The silence is the best point. With this shroud and fan choice the extruder is the only thing making noise during the initial layers. The stock 4010 blower in this configuration is quiet unless you have bad bearings.
I printed in PLA+ and don't have issues but PETG would be better, just make sure the silicone sock is on and fans are running.
Cura Settings:
0.2mm Layer Height
0.39mm Line Width
2 Walls
Top/Bottom Thickness 1mm
No Infill
Support Overhang Angle at 87 so that only the cable management slot get support. If you need more then add as you like.
The video has heat tests, noise tests, weight tests and assembly:
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.