Ender 3 (V2&PRO) ADXL345 Bed Mount/MAGNETIC

This is remix of George design. I have add threaded inserts to mount adxl to the body.
updated January 28, 2023



This is George design remix to mount ADXL345 to Ender 3 bed, it should fit other bed slinger printers. NOMETAL version is normal, same like George made, but the other version of the GUARD i to fit 5mm 10x20 metal sheet to give more strenght to the guard. When i was using this I found that huard could be destroyed  and screw could penetrate it and damage bed. Thread insert is used, its M3 mellow inserts (4.4x4.9). Feel free to remix it if you can improve the design.


You will need:

  • M3 nut
  • 2x M3 threaded insert 4.4x4.9
  • M3 screw (lenght depend on bed thickness)


Printing settings:

Printing depends on how strong you want this part to be.

I printed it with 4 perimeters 23% gyroidal infill.



MAGNETIC version:

I have also made version that uses 4 maqnets 6x3 to secure it to magnetic bed.


Supports are not needed, trust me.


.STEP file included so feel free to modify my design if you have thicker bed.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
