Keychain SD Card Holder

Very slim clip to hook an SD card onto your keychain.
In the contest Keychain Tools
updated September 15, 2022



Personally, I prefer receiving (and also carrying with me) SD cards as portable storage media instead of USB flash drives after there was all the rage about BadUSB, USB Killer and the likes. SD cards don't talk a complicated protocol that can do potentially malicious things, they're just plain old simple mass storage devices, and you can always use your own trusted SD card reader to plug into your PC.

Problem is, where to put them so you don't lose them? Also, SD cards certainly are more brittle than most USB flash drives.

I thought, surely someone else would have already designed something like I was looking for - a thing you can hook onto your keychain that holds SD cards.

So I browsed Printables (still named PrusaPrinters back then) and Thingiverse and found… nothing but complete crap! There were holders that were bulky as hell, holders that were overly complex/intricate and hence would break super fast, holders that were impossible to print in any orientation… and some that outright didn't fit at all.

In the end I designed this one myself. Works like a charm since way more than a year and is super compact. Fits even a super stuffed keychain like my own.

Printing instructions

Print with a 0.4mm nozzle at 0.1mm layer height. No other adjustments needed.

I recommend printing this with Polycarbonate (used Polymaker PC-Max for my own copies).

PETG does work, but the clip might be just a little bit too flexible for your taste, i.e. higher danger that the SD card accidentally falls out on impact. PLA definitely is something you should stay far away from for this model, it is way too brittle and inflexible. Polycarbonate takes loads of force until it breaks, and has just the right amount of flex for the clip.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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