Display adapter for the Raspberry Pi 7" touch display for the Vivedino/Formbot Troodon.
updated September 24, 2022



Since I upgraded the Firmware of my Troodon to Klipper the original display would not work correctly anymore. Since I had a 7" raspberry pi touch screen lying around a decided to switch to KlipperScreen and build this adapter.

The adapter is not perfect, but does its job. Unfortunately the display is a tad big, so two original screws will remain unreachable.  It's not a big deal in my case.

The PiHolder.stl is optional, but necessary if you want more than one usb port accessible.

You can use the for original screws which come with the case for the display though I would recommend using longer ones. I had four lying around that were a bit longer.

If you are looking for a rpi mount for the original screen check this out.


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