When exploring printables for similiar models I noticed that most creators secure their sd cards by blocking them in via the splitring that holds your keys. What I didn´t like about that design was that it is rather tedious to quickly acces your sd cards as you need to remove the splitring first.
So I created my own design that allows quick access. The model is printed in TPU which allows to secure the sd card through friction. The card fits snuggly and won´t come out without intentionally pulling on it.
When creating the model i tried to make it as small as possible. It can be printed in about 15 minutes with 0.2mm Layer height and uses only 2g or 0.58m of filament.
I included the .sldprt file if you want to customize the model. The model is parametric and the dimensions can easily be changed throught the Equations. The size of the card can be adjusted to accomodate other cartridges (e.g. Nintendo Switch games) with:
Wall sizes will by automatically calculated with adjusting following variables:
I printed the model in upright position to minimize support structures. As TPU tends to string you may have stringing on the inside wall of the model which makes removing the sd card hard due to the addtional friction. If you experience this problem I recommend to either increase tolerance or slice with a minimally higher scaling factor.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.