Prusa Mini Side Box

This is a tool box that hangs off of the right front leg of the Prusa mini base.
5h 43m
1× print file
0.20 mm
0.40 mm
57.00 g
updated January 30, 2023



This is a tool box that hangs off of the right front leg of the Prusa mini base.   This should be able to hang over the upper most lip of the right front leg and hold in place under the ribbing along the side.  This tool box should be big enough to hold a gluestick, flashlight, and fingernail trimmers, etc.  

How to install:.  This actually a very tight fit.  First you need to have the prusa mini stand.  This box hangs over the lip provided by the right front leg, which also holds the tray.  This box actually spans over the right front and right rear leg pieces.  It will hang over the tray lip of the main two pieces and snaps in, providing not only a container to hold your most common tools, reducing hand conflict with the lcd display, this is also a stiffener for the joint connection of the two right leg sections.  If you feel you are providing too much pressure installing this, give it some light sanding on the upper slot, and the lower lip of the box.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
