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Customizable Headband

Customized Bluetooth Headphone headband for bigger or smaller heads.
updated August 29, 2022



As I write this headband-v51.stl is 160mm across at the widest point. This is an OpenSCAD file to let you customize that.

I've uploaded a 180mm version, but you can open the RevisedHeadband.scad with OpenSCAD, open its Customizer pane and enter a different value for widen. Negative values also work to shrink the widest point distance.

How to Use:

  • Get a recent version of OpenSCAD.
  • Put headband-v51.stl and RevisedHeadband.scad in the same directory
  • You may have to zoom out (scroll wheel on mouse) to see the whole headband.
  • Set widen to taste.
  • Render (on the OpenSCAD Design menu) This fixes Preview drawing artifacts
  • Export as STL (on the OpenSCAD File menu)
  • Slice and print normally

How RevisedHeadband.scad works:

  • RevisedHeadband.scad reads in the original stl file, makes copies, and slices and clones the copies to make a revised headband.
  • Like all OpenSCAD files, RevisedHeadband.scad is just a short text file that you can open and edit in any text editor.

How I designed this:

  • I stood in front of a mirror with a ruler on my head, looking absolutely ridiculous, and eye-balled it.

Slicing and Printing

  • 0.4mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer height, 5% gyroid infill, brim, PLA.


Model origin

The author remixed this model.
