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Cutlery Box for the Kitchen

A small (?) box/container sized for handling the kitchen flatware.
updated September 9, 2022



An open top container for holding your kitchen flatware/cutlery.  We have a drawer of these, one for each type.  Holds more forks and knives than you could ever want – at least it works for our large(ish) family.

The model is assembled with 8 50mm M4 screws – probably overkill, but it's hard to say how much wear and tear these will get.  If they never leave the drawer, then glue is probably good enough…

Supports are only required for the tab that sticks out at the base of the side piece.  Use paint on supports in smart mode, then print with support enforcers only.

The .STEP file is included in case you want to make your own modifications.



Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
