Inspired and based on this print in place folding phone stand :
I decided to make it half 3D printed and half CNC cut.
I have attched center hinge as well as the stand folding arm as both STL and DXF. i made mine from transparent acrylic and it came out looking great.
Long arms for tablets
Short arms for phones
I like Acrylic but you can use whatever material suits your needs and/or liking as long as its thickness corresponds to the thickness of the hinge which is 4mm .
I have redesigned the hinge fro scratch and now it works much better. I printed it using PLA+ @ 0.14 layer height and progressive speed up to 50mms with 100% part cooling. after print cools down you would have to apply a bit of a force to loosen the hinge as it welds just enough to have zero wobble during openning and closing of the legs - works great.
Using 40W CO2 laser it should take for both legs:
With Hexagons: ~4 min.
Without Hexagons: Less than 1 min.
Used a common PVC clear adhesive to glue the legs to the hinge.
The author remixed this model.
Almost everything is new. the hexagones are the same :)