Uploading my "back catalog" to Prusa Printers! Hope you enjoy this design from 2018:
3D Print and build a four-tone train whistle! All parts fit together easily without the need for glue, and it sounds great.
More information: https://dragonmountaindesign.com/2018/11/12/train-whistle
Some people have experienced issues getting all four tones to work. Rest assured success is possible.
Printed on a Prusa Mk2s with stock settings -
Nozzle: 0.4mm
Retraction length: 0.8mm
Lift Z: 0.6mm
Layer height: 0.15mm
First Layer height: 0.2mm
Perimeters: 2 minimum
Horizontal shells: 7 layers (top) 5 layers (bottom)
Infill: 20% cubic pattern
Extruder temp: 215C
Bed temp: 60C
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.