Updated to the last revision. I included STEP files as well as STL files. This should allow for those with alternate dust collection hoses, mounts, routers, etc to modify to fit their individual needs.
The dust collection/holder integrates the router holder and dust collector for a Makita router for the MPCNC Primo. The parts are printed at 0.2mm height, 3 wall layers and 70% fill.
The design includes a removable dust skirt holder connected to the main body by 2x11 magnets (amazon.com/dp/B09QHS6VSJ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) inserted into the main body and skirt holder. The skirts are held in place by bands providing for the use of different skirt materials from Nylon dust shoe brushes (amazon.com/dp/B07VNSDSJJ?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) to thin felt cloth.
Hardware needed includes three #6 screws for the connection and easy removal of the top section and one #6 screw and nut for the skirt band connection. Attachment to the MPCNC is with the recommended M5 bolts.
The author marked this model as their own original creation.