Thoroughly inspired by Beef_Salad84, I do what I do and created a vase mode version of their excellent vermicomposter. I wanted to give a shout-out because without their design, I would never have pulled the trigger on my own.
Fair warning: This is all new to me, just ordered a pound of red wrigglers today. Did I print my first tower in a transparent PLA and therefor ignore the ‘worms typically thrive in a dark environment’ part of the equation? Yes, yes I did.. I'll paint it I promise.
I did use a lining of paper towels in the section just above the catchall basin to prevent the worms, casings and detritus from migrating down. Other than that, I'm simply putting some mature compost in the first bin as a bedding material and I'll build the stack up from there.
These parts are designed to use a continuous and unbroken profile all the way up the part. Prusa and Slic3r call this vase mode, while Cura calls it spiralize.
I over-extrude quite extensively for these parts to make them nice and sturdy. You will probably need to bump up your printing temperature by about 10°C depending on your wall speeds. I go with 30-40mm/s and that gets the parts nice and clean within a reasonable timeframe.
Just a basin, nothing fancy.
Wall Width:
Top/Bottom Layer Width:
0.4-0.6mm (for me, this helps keep the bottom layers water tight)
Bottom Layers:
Spiralize Outer Contour:
I've got them in 75 and 100mm tall sections.
Wall Width:
Top/Bottom Layer Width:
Bottom Layers:
Spiralize Outer Contour:
Wall Width:
Top/Bottom Layer Width:
Bottom Layers:
Spiralize Outer Contour:
The author remixed this model.