Migrating from thingiverse
easily removable/swapable with the 150mm flexible duck Adaptor to remove Solder / Flux fume
Required base files are from the link above
initially designed to have a 5 - 6 mm Rubber EPDM Sponge to improve the seal, but the seal was very good as is, so i did not put any rubber seal between the base and 150mm adapter. using the Hook-1.5mm
initially did the Flap-Connector so that they all open together, and so that they do not open completely(so that gravity will let it close back down by itself, but the suction of the fan was not enough. not using it, the fan was only able to open the large flap and not completely. i am not using the Flap-Connector anymore. might still be useful for extractor fan that are stronger.
Summary of files to print
2 X BaseCoverRetainer.stl [from link above]
1 X Base.stl [from link above]
4 X WallRetainer.stl (optional)[from link above]
4 X Hook-1.5mm.stl (or 1mm)[from link above]
2 X Flap-01.stl
2 X Flap-02.stl
2 X Flap-03.stl
2 X Flap-Connector-slit.stl (optional, i am not using them anymore)
1 X BaseToBackdraftStopper.stl
ps there was a problem exporting BaseToBackdraftStopper.stl from FreeCad, probably a bug, was fixed with Blender, also included
FreeCAD design files included,
Fastener workbench required.
The author remixed this model.