Slide n’ Seal

The Slide n‘ Seal is made to seal almost all types of bags airtight.
In the contest Bag Clips
updated July 10, 2022




A few months ago I have seen a product to seal bags on television (it was on a swiss TV show similar to shark tank). I think this product had a similar principle to my design. I thought that that is pretty cool, and I wanted to 3D Print something like this myself. 

I started designing and finally after about 10 different prototypes and many failed prints, the Slide n‘ Seal is at a point where I can „release“ it. 


The functions of the parts: 

The tip makes makes sliding it in easier. The opening helps feeding the plastic into the slit. The stick is pressing the plastic against the casing so no air can come in. The lips help support the stick by keeping the air out plus they prevent the stick from breaking off.

How to use it:

Actually, it‘s quite simple and easy to use: 

  1. Just fold your bag with a clean and nice fold (there should be enough space on both the sides of the fold)
  2. Take the tip of the Slide n‘ Seal and start sliding (only the tip) into the fold
  3. Pinch the left and right side of the fold together and pull toward the Slide n‘ Seal
  4. Push the Slide n‘ Seal in the opposite way.  It should feed perfectly into the opening
  5. Done! If you did everything right, your bag should be sealed airtight!

Here is a Video on how to use the Slide n‘ Seal:


Different Sizes:

  • Slide n‘ Seal 23 cm: bags with a width of 19.5 cm and less
  • Slide n‘ Seal 19 cm: bags with a width of 17 cm or less
  • Slide n‘ Seal 16 cm: bags with a width of 14 cm or less

If you want to change the size of the Slide n‘ Seal for some reason, load one of the template in your CAD program and scale it. Otherwise just take the „Slide-n-Seal 19cm“ (it doesn‘t matter if you scale it up or down)

Only change the height, not the length and width! 


How to print it:

  • print it vertical with the tip pointing up just like in the .stl
  • definetly print with a raft
  • If you want a clean print i’d recommend printing with 40 mm/s - max. 45 mm/s. If you don‘t mind about some imperfections (some wiggles which as you can see in the pictures, which by the way don‘t make the Slide n‘ Seal worse) in your print, printing with 50 mm/s might be the best choice. (The more layers your printer has printed, the more wobbly the print becomes. Therefore it helps to print slower to avoid fast movement.)
  • there is no infill needed


Problems, Troubleshooting  & Help

  • If there are any problems with printing or the file it self, feel free to contact me and i‘ll try to help you or fit the issue as soon as possible!
  • If you want me to add another sized Slide n‘ Seal to the files, just write me!



If you print all the 3 different sizes, you should be covered for pretty much all plastic bags.



Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
