Make myself one with 15cm to sit next to my computer. It's my work companion 😂
Make myself one with 15cm to sit next to my computer. It's my work companion 😂
@BlasphemousBit_44618 looks great! Hail Biden!
Came out awesome! (Although I might try again with a smaller nozzle and Arachne turned off to see if I can get more detail!). Hail Satan! (edited)
Has nothing to do with Free Mason's
@BrandonG_872462 thanks for clearing that up. I just thought that they worshipped the devil. I’ll check the books out.
@MCXIII Nope, out of all the masons I know there is a SINGLE one who MIGHT qualify as a Lucifarian, but that's honestly not even really accurate. Almost 100% of us are bible beaters, or Jewish, there are a few Muslims, and Wiccans/Druids mixed in too, but they're rare enough that you might never meet one.
It was hard to cut upper hair, my Baphomet was a hippie. The hair was removed by fire. Glowing PLA is !!! (edited)
Fantastic model and great print.
@blownhemi_281293 nice! Thanks for sharing!
Heavens no! Hell yeah!