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Space Marine Adventures Necrons Board Game Insert Plus Expansions

"Suffer not the Xenos to Live!" Disclaimer - This is a proof of concept digital design only. This digital design is…
updated July 7, 2022



"Suffer not the Xenos to Live!"

Disclaimer - This is a proof of concept digital design only. This digital design is for learning purposes only. This digital design is not for production.

Space Marine Adventures: Labyrinth of the Necrons Insert.

Made to fit cards with sleeves and both expansions.

For larger cards; used Sleeve Kings Board Game Sleeves 'Blood Bowl Compatible' (78mm x 113mm)

For standard cards; used regular old Ultra Pro penny sleeves.

Used foam in the remaining space for model storage - see images.

Category: Games


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.
