Gridfinity screwdriver rack

A gridfinity compatible screwdriver rack
updated July 6, 2022



A customizable gridfinity compatible screwdriver rack.

This is a bit of a work in progress. It's meant to be printed in multiple parts to avoid having to use supports. The four legs are attached to the matching holes in the top and bottom parts.

The holes sizes are based on the specific screwdriver set that I have, so you'll most likely want to customize the Fusion360 design to fit your needs. Adjust the holes and the height of the rack.

When printing the legs, rotate them so the flat part is facing the bed. e.g. 45° on Z axis, 90° on Y axis. No supports are needed.

There are no tolerances built into the design, so fitting the legs takes some work. Use a sandpaper or a file on the stubs to make it easier.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
