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Expandable photo studio

A larger format, expandable photography background that uses 16mm pipe to create the expandable frame.
In the contest Cameras And Accessories
45 k
updated June 27, 2022



Another photo studio! There are quite a few of these online, however most are tailored to smaller backgrounds, normally A3 paper sized. When I photograph my props or larger items, I quickly find the limitations.

Available now is a complimentary LED lighting system, that using carry over components! Check it out! 


Another Update?!

06/07/22 - I have now included a set of the base files that are slightly smaller in dimension, so if you need the scale the system up to fit larger pipes, you can try this file if bed size is an issue (I hear that scaling up to a ½" pipe will make it bigger than some beds).

Double whoops and big apologies.

05/07/22 - I made a bit of a fudge up. I did not consider the mirrored threads on the mirrored parts. On my 'v0.9' version this was somehow (I have no idea what I did) not an issue. I have no provided properly mirrored components, left side and right side parts. I have also loosened the tolerances on the threads and provided a looser threaded bolt if you need it. I am like 95% confident that you will now have everything you need. And my most humble apologies to those that need to redownload or, worse, reprint the files!

Many thanks to Mbrinch, Graloth and Phil for pointing out the issues!


28/06/22 - whoops! Forgot I had updated the files a little bit. Nothing major, just made it a bit easier to feed the paper into the parts. If you have downloaded the old ones, they will still work fine!



What's unique about this one?

I have designed this to fit larger format pieces of paper (eg. A2/A1). The sweep features a larger curve. However the USP is the combination of pipes to create a configurable, expandable stable frame.

The Frame.

I have designed this to fit 16mm OD pipe (because I can get PVC piping from Toom pretty cheap). You can choose as long a length as you need, depending on the size of the paper you use. The bolt pieces secure the pipe to the frame.

If you have pipe to hand that is another size, you should be able to scale up or down all parts to fit you pipe. Be aware of tolerances though.

The top bit.

Another issue I find with photo sweeps is the top of the paper bending over, looking ugly. Attached to the base with a pipe, the top piece secures the top edge of the paper. I also used pairs of magnets, one inside the pipe, the other against the surface of the paper to stop it sagging.


It is designed to not need supports, and to fit onto the standard Ender bed. Included now are the parts needed for both the left and right and sides (labelled l and r).






(PS. We hit 400 downloads right around my birthday, best present ever, thanks everyone!)





Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.
