M3 bolts and nuts for assembly and M5 screws for fixing it to the 3030 sigma profiles. I've seen 2020 nuts that support M5 bolts so you can use this enclosure on 2020 profiles too!
It wont be flush with the profile as the case itself is 40mm in height there will be 5mm extra on both top and bottom. (lid not included for top, probbly 3mm more for top and the fan making a total of 5+3+10=18mm) so 5mm from bottom and 18mm from top
Sd card and usb fits perfectly, just use your finger nail to pop the sd card out. Used with tmc2209 and they fit.
Supports a 40mm fan.
There is a small chamfer to the edge of lids screw holes. Some might use countersunk screws and it will help them.
Don't mind the crappy print, its a cheap old filament thats doing this.
printing time: 5:45 hours for the case and around 2:30 hours for the lid.
Designed in Freecad.
FCStd files are also included.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.