Atreus62 angled case

3d printable case for a handwired build of the Atreus62 keyboard.
updated June 22, 2022



This is a 3d printable case for the Atreus62 keyboard by Profet23. The case has been made to fit the default switch plate provided in the keyboard's files.


The holes in the model are meant for heatset m3 inserts. If you want to screw in directly in the case, you can edit the STEP file and reduce the size of those holes.

My build is handwired, but you can use the PCB as well. I have not tested this, but it looks like it might fit. The default case has space for this USB-C breakout by Pololu. I'm uploading a version of the STEP file without this for you to modify for your preferred way of taking the wire out.

I haven't printed and tested this version yet, but I did an older version, and that fit very well.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


Highlighted models from creator

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