A MASSIVE round of applause to MirageC; not only for his design but willingness to share it with our 3DP community. Please check out his work and join the fun.
This is a remix of the recently released split carriage design for the STD (6mm) XY gantry. I love the design but my X linear rail is a little longer than the original so rather than making some cutouts I decided to just make the entire carriage shorter. As I played around I just loved the stubby look and added some chamfers for taste. No critical tolerances were changed so it should fit all STD XY set ups…it is working on mine at least!
- Increase your X travel by 24mm
- Eliminates several screws(8), t-nuts(4), and nuts(4) from the gantry weight
- Tighter surfaces surrounding the belt path for a more integrated look with the belts
- All holes have a .25mm-.3mm covering so that you can print without supports! No worries, that single layer can easily be pierced and cleared away by the screw for installation.
Print Suggestions:
"Upper" pieces with the top surface face down on the build platform
"Lower" pieces in their normal positions"
Extra Details:
- Eliminates the X alignment tabs for weight and aesthetics(this is usually on the bottom of the gantry touching the side of the MGN12C carriage). You will need to align the gantry prior to final tightening since you will no longer have the physical ability to adjust the alignment.
- Tweaked M3 nut clearance on the left side to eliminate a wall that sometimes doesn't print depending on your settings.
- Increased clearance between the top and bottom half to make sure that when tightening you bottom out on the gantry for a tight fit.
- Versions for both 2020 and Carbon tubes are included. The "lower" Part will be different depending on your gantry material. Choose the file with "CFx" for carbon tube users.
I hope you enjoy these as much as I have! Let me know if you run into an issue!
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.