Counter Pressure Bottle Filler Stand

Components so you can make a stand for a counter pressure bottle filler.
updated March 20, 2023



A set of printed parts for creating a stand for a commercially available counter pressure bottle filler.

The filler is available from the usual sources of eastern goods (Ebay, Amazon, Aliexpress) and probably homebrewing shops as well.  I've not included a link as they are not static, there is a screen shot of the type I used. These Fillers must be considered a kit of parts so disassemble and seal joints with PTFE as required before you start.

No drawings for wooden stand included at present as your requirements will differ from mine.

The parts screw to the wooden base and stand

The parts form a linear rail with a catch on the top so you can swap bottles easily (provides the always needed third hand), there is a bracket included for a plastic homebrew bottle that can be used to catch the overflow when filing.


Requires :-

2 LM8UU linear bearings 

M3 x 16 screws and nuts - for clamp

M4 Screws and nuts - for top of slide - length to suit assembly

M8 x 25 screw and nut - for toggle

Various wood screws - to suit

Rubber bands or hair bands for lever and to retain overflow bottle


Print all Parts in PETG - 0.2mm layer works well, use 3 or 4 perimeters and 20% infill



Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


Highlighted models from creator

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