La fidata Original Prusa MK4S è ora disponibile in bundle scontati con la MMU3 e l'Enclosure. Cogliete l'occasione oggi stesso!

Modern spiral planter

Planter with a spiral pattern and drain holes at the bottom (with additional plate for access water )
In Concorso Plant Pots
85 k
283 k
aggiornato 3 marzo 2024



If you create BambuSlicer profiles feel free to add them here:


The Planter is designed to be printed with a 0.4 nozzle (and the same line width). That way the blades of the spiral will always be four lines wide and the printer can follow a continuous path (for this to work choose a wall thickness of at least two wall lines). 

By default the flower pot has a height of 80mm and a maximum (outer) diameter of around 85.5mm. As seen in photos I also printed a small (~65mm high) and big (~95mm high) version, by just scaling the planter in the slicer.

There is a version with a closed bottom and one with drainage holes in the bottom for the excess water to escape. If you want to, you can print the small plate that I provided to catch any water flowing out of there. 


If you like the design, I would be flattered to receive a little tip via PayPal:

Please note, that it is not designed to be printed in vase mode. If you want to, you can still try it, but it may not be watertight.  

Since I am often asked about the blue filament in the photos, it is called "ERYONE Matte PLA" in navy blue.


Please keep in mind that this design is published under a NON COMMERCIAL license, so please do not sell the design or prints made with this design.


Premiato nel concorso

Plant Pots
463 contributi | 10 giugno – 19 giugno 2022

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