I was building a 3d printed Airplane from 3dlabprint. Those use 1mm piano wire as pushrods for the controlsurfaces. The wire must be straightened before use, as it is only available on spools. For this, you can follow a tutorial on Youtube to straighten the wire.
Sadly this didnt quite work out for me, since the wire was constantly jumping around in the drill. To combat this, I designed this “drill-chuck”, in which you can clamp the wire.
Quantity | Name |
2 | M3 Heatset Inserts |
1 | Piano Wire |
2 | M3x8 Screws |
2 | M3 Washers |
1 | Wire-Z-Bend-Pliers |
1 | Powerdrill |
1 | Vice |
(the last entries of the table are in grey, since you probably have them. If you dont have a vice, you can print 2 of my wire-straightener and clamp the other end on a sturdy surface)
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The result should be a straight wire with some little marks from the torsion.
This is only the first revision. I have designed the model fairly adjustable and plan to add different alternatives for the heatset inserts (like Hexnuts). You can leave a comment, If you have any recommendation about changes I could implement (like different wirediameter or bending pattern). I am also open to constructive criticism. :)
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.