Protect your DJI Action2 camera with the best mount in FPV! Max protection with TPU in front of the lens but still with a clean image. How? I've modeled the camera's field-of-view (FOV) and built my design around it. My flexible on-demand design can fit 300 different frames, different camera angles, ND filter options, positions, etc.
This is an ON-DEMAND design!
Only a few basic 15º versions are posted here, everything else is made for you (for free) on my 3D Design discord. You choose what options, I make you designs, you send me photos of your builds! See the Steps below.
New things:
I've made a new Instagram account for showcasing users' prints of my designs!
New back LCD protection modular wedge is now standard! See details below
New TBS ND filter redesign slots in from the side!
Thingiverse page is live! Go add a ❤ to save it for reference later!
post a make to show off your build and inspire others!
Part of my on-demand alive 3D design projects. See the table above and all the designs in my profile! I've made tens-of-thousands of designs and new friends for pilots all across the globe.
Universal GoPro-style attachment version? I've got that design too over here
Look at all the photos of the makes! Post your own!
Maximum protection, bando-bash all day and keep it pretty!
It's not remotely possible to upload every tilt for every frame with each ND option and each positioning. That would be thousands of files.. and they change every time I get new feedback. My designs are alive, they're always evolving. The purpose of this project is to hear from people and see your builds I helped make.
Step 1: Pick your quad(s)
What quad you got?? I've made a highly flexible, adaptive system, with over 125 different bases, new ones every day. See the files tab for some common ones!
Also compatible with the similar 2.5mm thick Camera Butter insert filters.
Also great: Camera Butter Stick-on ND filters [cb site]
Ask for No-ND when requesting your mount!
Magnetically attached filters: → NOT recommended! They take up space between the camera and the max FOV area– so there's less TPU that can fit anywhere to make up for it. I've extended the entry/exit side wall extra far to compensate but using this will be fundamentally more fragile. Definitely consider using the ‘underbelt’ option with the battery strap around everything if you're bashing.
Freewell, Telesin, Smallrig filters. All about 3mm thick and magnetically attached. [freewell site][smallrig amazon]
Fine for cinematic, may be a bit fragile for bando bashing.
Send me a message on! Everything is generated on-demand with the settings you ask for. Why?
The STLs in the ‘files’ section are outdated.
I can't possibly keep re-exporting, uploading, and organizing 80+ STLs after each tweak!
They don't have the configuration you want.
ND filters? Angle that's not 25º? Underbelt option? Thicker base?
I can't possibly upload all the variations!
So request it! I've set up my discord as a cool queue system. I'll get you your custom STL in less than 24h, usually right away.
Step 9: Print the Mount
Print with TPU filament, slowly
Use tree support if your slicer supports it
Best printed on its side (as oriented in the STL).
Use 2 perimeter walls. (If you want more rigidity use Cubic infill instead!)
Infill: Use 20 - 30% infill.
20% gyroid infill for cinematic / long range setups. Gyroid is strong and squishy, good for lower velocity impacts.
25 - 30% cubic infill for bando bashing. Cubic is strong and far more rigid, far better for high-speed impacts to concrete.
Really don't go above 30% infill, it just adds extra weight but no strength benefit.
Make sure to read about the wedge in Step 10
Step 10: Print the Back LCD Wedge (new rev 4+!)
New Modular LCD / Battery Protection Wedge! Keep your LCD and battery in-tact, even after huge direct-hit crashes. My new modular wedge design slots into the back of the mount and fills the gap between the camera and your battery.
The new design prints in two parts. Easy access to the rear bolts! Easy weight savings for long range flights!
When using the new Wedge slot the new LCD protection insert is optional.
Wedge-specific print settings:
Also print in TPU
Just 1 perimeter wall! More is wasteful and overkill for this part.
Use Cubic infill pattern
Between 16 - 26% infill depending on how fast you're flying.
Optionally: zero top/bottom layers.. saves weight and looks pretty cool.
(Previous versions used my back glass protector 0.8mm.stl printed in PLA/PETG and glued into the recessed spot on the back of the mount. This wasn't nearly as effective and could easily leave your battery smushed.)
Also PSA: the Action 2's LCD cracks INTERNALLY, when it breaks the back glass is usually in tact. This means the g-forces of a crash are what break your LCD, not necessarily direct impact. Always buy the Action2 with the front LCD mod and assume the back LCD never works (just like a session!) .. you'll never be sad.
Also look at the makes section for other users' tips!
That's it! Go fly!
Again: BEWARE, what's uploaded here is OUTDATED
Seriously. I just can't keep reuploading and categorizing 60+ STLs. Tweaks are always happening based on feedback. Thicker base, more material here, less there, on and on. So:
Want the Latest Version? Missing your Quad? ND Filters?
Message me! discord! The 60+ mount designs I've uploaded here (see files!) are updated after every tidbit of feedback I get and are all already out-of-date. Message me for the latest version!
New quads/variations for folks all the time. I may already have the one you need.
It's really zero trouble, I can export configurations on my phone and send them over instantly.
What sort of frames are supported?
Classic designs from the Apex by ImpulseRC, to the Quadmula Siren, and to the Y6 by Freelon and everything in-between
Open source designs like the OpenRacerfor racing and the TBS Source-One v1, v2, and v3 for freestyle
Family designs where one manufacturer has a common bolt-pattern for all their quads: AOS (AOS5, LR5, UL5, AOS7, etc), iFlight (XL5/Nazgul, SL5/Cidora, F5D-Evoque)
Anti-family manufacturers. Every model is different, but whyyy: GepRC (mark2, mark4 analog, HD, 4k, mark5, 5 classic, Smart35, Baby Croc, Gep180, 7, etc), Rotor Riot (HD1, CL1, CL2, Skyliner/mk3, bubby), Lumenier (QAV-S Johnny, S JB, R 2, S Mini 3) Diatone (Roma F5 V1, V2, F35), FPVCycle (Glide std, Glide+, CineSplore, Sonicare, Toothfairy), etc
Bolt-across designs like the Bando Killer or the Catalyst Machineworks Shocker, SpeedyBee Mario 5, etc
Hybrid bolt-across designs like the Ummagawd 2Fiddy
Hybrid belt/bolt designs like the Armattan Chameleon/Marmotte/Badger, even the tiny Gecko
Mullet designs (bolt-across in the front and bolt-down in the back!) like Rotor Riot Skyliner, FPVCycle Sonicare, Ummagawd Moongoat, Rotor Riot Bubby Moxy
Hook-under designs like the Diatone Roma mounts or the Armattan Gecko
3-bolt designs like the Protek25, Ethix Cinerat, Hyperlite Freerange 5, Reptile Cloud 149, Primitive FPV Primal 5, ImpulseRC Reverb, etc
2-bolt designs like the Shendrones Squirt/Terraplane/Hydroplane, GepRC Cinelogs
Insane designs like the MB Epic 262 v2 (see the photos to see what I mean)
New fancy ones like the ItsFPV ERA
Common questions:
Why do I do this?
I do it for the community, I like hearing from people, seeing your builds, and sometimes meeting up and flying
Can I donate?
Sure, I'd certainly appreciate it, but I'd much prefer getting photos, your posting a make and go ripping a pack together sometime!
Where's the version for my ND?
I make those on-demand based on your quad/tilt/ND choice. There's just too many permutations to upload everything.
Why print on its side?
It's stronger, it prints far better, and uses support more wisely than the alternative.
Can I make an STL for x quad?
Sure thing.
Can I make an STL with x ND filter and y uptilt?
Can I make a mount for some other camera like a Session etc?
I'd like to but haven't programmed that up yet. Send me a discord chat with what you fly, send some photos of how other mounts work and their pros/cons, and we'll make something.
Please post 'em! Really! Take a cameraphone photo with your dope color matched mount in all its glory and show it off! Plus it really helps get this design out there to the world.
Sharing & License & Stuff
The LAST thing I want to do is restrict anyone from sharing. But. PLEASE share links to this printables page, not the STLs. Here's why:
This is under active development. The STLs WILL CHANGE and get better.
The documentation is really important here, and I'm sure there's stuff I'll be adding as feedback comes in.
The community is important, I want people to reach out and join the discord not download some STLs and go it alone.
It's just a super dick move to repost designer's stuff. I've spent a long time making, testing, and documenting this and my only reward is that little stupid ‘like’ counter, download counter, and photos/stories from users. DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF MY ONE SENSE OF SELF WORTH
The actual license is Creative Commons (4.0 International License) Attribution—Noncommercial—Share Alike. If you'd like to print this commercially then reach out to me with a direct-message on discord and we can talk. Flying professionally using my designs is fine– though please do consider donating to support my work!