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Steam Deck Carrying Case Insert For EU Plugs (Europlug)

Europlug version of the USB-C Steam Deck Charger Inset for the Steam Deck Case
actualizado 16 de mayo de 2022



A remix to accomodate the Europlug version of the Steam Deck USB-C Charger into the Deck Case.

As the version remixed from, it still holds the tight and press fit in the bottom and also should accept the US Plug version of the charger. Also keps the ability to be able to fit the charger in a mirrored way.


The only downside is that one closed cavity is lost to accomodate the bigger plug into the inset.


The images might show my printed part a bit rough as I printed it with a 0.3 layer size and at 150mm/s as I thought I would need to iterate the size of the cuts better, but at the end it worked fine at my first try!


Origen del modelo

El autor ha hecho un remix de este modelo.
