This is a model I created to replace my shower stock drain cover. As you can see the old cover is just a plastic cover with some ribs to avoid the water to flow to the drain. The problem is that all the hair come to the drain and at the end produced a jam. I have to call for a pumbler every one or to years to clean it.
So I decided to replace this cover by one more useful. I got some variant and at the end this one worked for me. All the air was trapped at the top of the cover, if not the bottom ribs capture anyone trying to escape. So no more jams, I am more happy and my plumber not as much.
You can use PLA if you use a water under 60º (that means all normal humans) but I would reccomend the best material you have around, mine is from a good ABS and match the colour with the bathroom wall (more or less).
Be sure to inform you husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/roommate or whatever using the shower. All the hair will be trapped and each user should be responsible to remove them after the shower. I am not responsible of divorces related with this topic.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.