This is near classical pencil cup with hex pattern, but patch is left to apply a ‘water mark’. Example is provided for inscription “World's Edge” (this is the name of place here), which is a separate small piece (a negative), applied to the main cup as ‘negative volume’ in Prusa Slicer.
File "PencilCup - StampToUse.stl" can be used to create another negative text or ornament and apply the same method as above.
However creating that stamp with Autodesk MeshMixer, even is possible, is tedious. It can also be done with Microsoft Paint3D, but in that case, units are mangled (see picture with ‘APHA’ after importing to Prusa Slicer). By chance you can fix it by resizing it to 84 mm length.
It is done as an example below (resized to 84 mm, oriented vertical, mirror along Y axis), however text would need to be corrected (made more flat [0.5 mm]) in Paint 3D, as it would cut through cup wall, unless you keep enough distance between stamp and cup itself.
I provide also a STEP file, which can be used in your preferred CAD software and text or ornament applied in more intuitive way.
Mind that text on stamp should be a mirror view of the text you expect on the cup surface.
Notice: If you have text on stamp which is not a ‘mirror’, you can use Prusa Slicer to make a ‘mirror’ of that ‘stamp’ along Y axis, for instance. The result can be applied as a ‘negative volume’ on cup surface.
Example cup was printed with Prusament PLA, 4 mm nozzle. 8.85 m of filament was used.
Now every cup can have personalization applied: just produce set of ‘stamps’ and use it!
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.