I never knew I needed this until now and I use it non-stop. I also printed a snap-on lid for it and now it's x10 better.
I never knew I needed this until now and I use it non-stop. I also printed a snap-on lid for it and now it's x10 better.
@ZaleAnderson_1663734 Funny thing is that I've yet to print one of these at actual scale! All the ones I've got are ~80%. I usually print one to finish off a spool. Multi color ones are pretty cool! Do you have a link to the lid you made?
@ChuiVanfleet_266659 Howdy! I do IT on the side and the 3x3 at 100% is freaking perfect! Thanks for the great model. My lid was really low effort I just kinda traced your model but here is the link to it. I found it just kinda snaps on and holds pretty darn well. https://www.printables.com/model/776804-small-parts-tray-cover