Easy to make, minimal, two part table lamp ready for wiring. The two parts are the base and the main body cone. These are designed to be glued together with handy pins and holes to make sure it lines up correctly.
Does not include lamp shade, or wiring/bulb socket. :)
Can be printed at any preferred layer height. The one pictured was printed at 0.1mm layer for the top portion to eliminate layer lines as much as possible. Bottom portion was printed at 0.3mm with 0.6 nozzle with Timberfill filament.
Supports are needed in the body, but only up the middle to support the top layer. They are included via support enforcers in the .3mf file. Base does not required any supports.
Infill: 5%
perimeters: 2
Infill 10%
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.