Round interlocking self-watering planter

This is a two piece self-watering planter. 100mm diameter. Prints in two pieces which fit together.
updated April 28, 2019



Printed this with the recommended settings and worked just like that.

Only issue I notice is that the inner piece does not entirely fit inside the outer one, there's a small gap in between. Not sure if issue with my print or with the design.

It does keep my dirt wet, however when refilling it, I have to be careful, cause when I put in too much water it leaks out of the aforementioned holes in the front. But if filled up carefully works as intended and provides the plant with water for a long time.

As gios07 mentioned, the inner part doesn't fit properly.

Nice design and easily printable. Complaints are simple. The embossing on the bottom makes it more likely to leak, and the front edge (that doesn't have the watering hole) doesn't quite fit right.

Could you please add a variation that doesn't have the inset cutout? (To be used as the final pot in a chain)

Nice idea that several containers can be connected to each other. For the inner part, it would be nice if the lower section were a little bit wider

It could be any width. I just chose that because I liked the look. If I get time I could look at it. What diameter were you thinking?

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