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Babylon Tower Rubiks (magnetizable)

This is a model of the less known Babylon Tower original created by Endre Pap. The original design had a mechanism to…
updated April 30, 2022



This is a model of the less known Babylon Tower original created by Endre Pap.

The original design had a mechanism to click in place, I thought it would be a nice idea to magnetize it. There are spaces for magnets to hold the (magnetic) marbles in place and spaces for magnets that orientate the Layers. The Tower is bigger ( than the original so it is not an option to use for spare parts.

The Design requires marbles with a diameter of 12mm (e.g. Geomag steel Spheres) and magnets with a diameter of 4mm and a depth of 2mm (e.g. D0402).

There is space for 2 magnets per Sphere and 6 magnets per Layer side. This makes 60 magnets for the Layers and 68 for the Spheres, resulting in a total of 128 magnets.

Therefore the weight of the magnetized Tower might be a little bit high.

Due to its conic shape every Layer has to be printed on its own, it is not enough to print one of the layers multiple times.

I`ve included the files for the Spheres even though I did not think anyone will print them.

The model consists of 36 Spheres. Two Springs in different sizes are needed, but I dont know the specifications of them so I can not give any information about them. Im looking forward to research and supplement them here.

Category: Puzzles


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


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