M4A1 Sherman CDL

This is a turret for a Canal Defence Light sherman
updated April 27, 2022



this is a turret for a Canal Defence Light sherman made in cooperation with panzerserra (Marcos Serra) please check out his blog here http://panzerserra.blogspot.com

This is for a italeri 1/35 M4A1, but please let me know the turret ring of Sherman you are using so i can alter it.

this is a WIP, parts may not work and all parts were ment to be made on a DLP/SLA printer, FDM may not give the results you are looking for.

update 08/10/2019, added pistol port and split model up for printing. old files deleted from thingi

update 25/05/2020 turret as one part uploaded for those with FDM printers, would still advice to use a resin printer as it will give better results. model also complete as per photos


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
