Card stands for Arkham Horror and Marvel Champions LCGs

These are some simple card stands for AH:TCG and Marvel Champions LCG that have additional slots for tokens from BTST
In the contest Game Tokens
updated April 26, 2022



These are some simple card stands for Arkham Horror:TCG and Marvel Champions LCG that have additional slots for tokens from Buy the Same Token, which is my token manufacturer of choice. This is perfect for doom tokens or threat tokens. They slot right in and you can just tilt the stand to have them fall out when you want to reset. The stands are balanced so that even if sleeved, a stack of cards will not result in the stand falling over. With both act and agenda stands, you should have enough slots for even the most “doom heavy” scenarios. The slots in front of the scenario card are perfect for scenarios such as Depths of Yoth, which require you to track a number of resource tokens.

Also pictured are some token trays for individual investigators in Arkham Horror: TCG, which I'll upload shortly.

Note: The model is upside-down in the model viewer. Make sure to print this on the flat side!


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
