Skyrim Elder Scrolls Carpenter work bench

The work bench you use to build a house in Skyrim Elder Scrolls
19h 13m
2× print file
0.10 mm
0.40 mm
116.00 g
In the contest Print Tables
updated April 27, 2022



This is the carpenters bench you use to build a house in Elders Scrolls 5 Skyrim. I based the model on some pictures I found on the web and a screen shot I took from the game. I drew a ruff cad model basing of a life size work bench then scaled it to 1/12 size. I printed it in PLA on a Prusa Mini+ the 1st print is all the part other than the vise handles that I printed later. The drawers open and even have a few tools in them. The vise do not work thought, they are just for show.


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