Securing nut for Beluga child swing

A replacement for a lost securing nut of a child swing
updated April 24, 2022



We bought a used swing for our baby but one of those tightening nuts was missing. I designed a new one and it fits just perfectly! If you´re unsure if it fits your swing, these are the thread dimensions:

Thread lead: 7 mm, Inner Diameter (nut): 20,2 mm, Outer Diameter (nut): 24,2 mm

I printed it in FormFuturas ApolloX, a modified ASA. Perfect for outdoor-use and the colour fits also.

Printed with a 0.6 mm nozzle, so any smaller one will do it too. I can´t guarantee for bigger nozzles, because you need a small layer height to get a nice thread.

Further settings i used:

-0,2 mm layer height

-5 perimeters with a 0.6 nozzle, (~3 mm)

-2 mm top and bottom thickness

-30 % Gyroid Infill

I know it´s a lot, but i wanted a part that will last a long time. The print duration was just 2,5 h.


Happy swinging :)



Model origin

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