Buddyshot - Internet pourer . Nalejte si s kamošmi na diaľku cez internet!

Remotely controlled pourer of drinks via internet. Diaľkovo ovládaná nálievka nápojov cez internet.
5h 18m
1× print file
0.35 mm
0.40 mm
118.00 g
In the contest Print Tables
updated April 27, 2022




I like to spend time with my friends connected online. Mostly when I'm checking the printing. The idea of this remote controlled pourer I had for many years in my head. It's much better feeling when I don't pour the shot by myself, but is finaly possible that this makes my friends via internet and I can do that for them as well. (as well as you can pour me one shot here http://pitka.rmi.sk/shot.php?buddy=3JCV   )

All necessary components you can buy here:



  • Stand can be controlled remotely over the internet
  • It has also button to pour the drink on place
  • Full RGB ambient light
  • The settings of the functions can be made by Windows utility
  • Stand should be connected to the computer to become online (because you will call to the other people anyway at that time)
  • The remote controll is done by web aplication from almost any online device (phone, PC, TV, tablet, watch, …) or by Windows app.

Print Settings and Notes

  • No support design of all parts.
  • I use  layer height 0.3-0.35 mm, 
  • infill 10%,
  • 3 perimeters
  • material PLA, PET/PETG, resp. if you use 2 color print, use same type of materials for good quality of collor connection
  • For BuddyShot_TopSmall use „brim“ in case of bad adhesion of the first layer.
  • When you print dualcolor click on button Split to objects  – icon on the top Toolbar. After you can choose the color of each part
  • Don't reduce the stiffness of the stand because it should hold pretty heavy bottle so it needs to be stiff


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
