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The model is a solid object, it needs to be hollowed out by the Slicer. Turn off "ensure vertical thickness"!
In the contest Vase Mode Vases
updated March 15, 2023




This object needs to be hollowed out by the slicing software. It can be printed in vase mode or with 0% infill, 0 top layers and 2 or 3 perimeters and “ensure vertical thickness” turned off.

I have created 2 different resolutions for this object. The low resolution file only has 500x500x1000 voxels and looks quite blocky when printed in full size. It can be downloaded from the download section.

The high resolution file has 4000x4000x8000 voxels, but its size is 10GB unpacked, 2GB packed. That's too big for this site, so you can download it from my Onedrive at!AvTYCP1wyam3iGKSzf88cK4ovitH?e=ASY1lg.

Both versions are 20cm high and have a diameter of 10cm.

The model does require a lot of RAM to slice it using the GUI. If you can't load the file in the GUI, try using the command line. Start prusa-slicer as usual. Activate vase mode or set 0% infill, no top layer and 2-3 perimeters. Turn off “ensure vertical thickness”, this adds ugly artifacts to the print. Save the settings as parameter file, e.g. “fractals-2-perimeters.ini”. Then run “prusa-slicer --load fractals-2-perimeters.ini --center 125,105 --slice  vase-1-4k-10x20cm_fixed.obj” and print the resulting gcode file.

How I created the file

I used a small perl script to create a bunch of parameter files for xfractint:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# create a set of parameter files for fractint

# for 10cm x 10cm x 20cm, 4k x 4k x 8k

use strict;

require Math::Spline;

my $steps = 8000;

my $xm = 0;
my $ym = 0;
my $r = 0.17;

my @splinex=(0,   0.4, 0.8, 1);
my @spliney=(0.6, 0.8, 0.6, 0.7);

my $spline = Math::Spline->new(\@splinex,\@spliney);

use constant PI => 4 * atan2(1, 1);

for my $i (0..$steps-1) {
my $x = $xm + $r * sin(2*PI * $i / ($steps - 1));
my $y = $ym + $r * cos(2*PI * $i / ($steps - 1));
my $mag = $spline->evaluate($i / ($steps - 1));
open(my $fh, ">", "vase-$i.par") || die "Can't open";
print $fh "reset=2004 type=julia center-mag=0/0/$mag\n";
print $fh "params=$x/$y\n";
print $fh "float=y\n";
print $fh "inside=1\n";
print $fh "outside=0\n";
print $fh "maxiter=250\n";
print $fh "colors=\\n";
print $fh "viewwindows=1/1/no/5464/4000\n";
print $fh "batch=yes\n";
printf $fh "savename=f-%06d\n", $i;
print $fh "overwrite=yes\n";
print $fh "sound=off\n";
close $fh || die "Can't close";

I ran the parameters files through xfractint using a small shell script:

find . -name "*.par" -printf "%f\n" | \
sort | \
xargs -l -I{} -P10 \
xfractint -disk -geometry 4000x4000 @{} -display :1

I then ran the images through my img2stl software, scaled the resulting .stl file to size using the tools included with the software. Finally I ran the scaled .stl file through "prusa-slicer --repair"


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation.


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