Powered Dyson Adapter for 32mm HT-Tube

Dyson Male and Female connector with electrical connection
updated April 23, 2022



This is a powered male and female connector for the Dyson V6 vacuum cleaner.

The connectors are now ca. 2 years in use. Both printed in PETG.

There is an innertube and an outertube, to protect the electrical wiring and for stability concerns.

The innertube is a 32mm HT-Rohr with an od of 32mm and an id of 28,4mm. The outertube is a 50mm HT-Rohr with an od of 50mm and an id of 46,4mm, the length of both tubes are 695mm. Its a bit longer than the original but perfect for me. The electrical connections are done by 2mm goldconnectors, that are welded/heated in place. I've glued the tubes to the connectors with 2k epoxy. Polarity is shown in the last picture.

The Tool-Latch is from tagustini.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
