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Balance game / Balanční hra

Balance-based game. / Hra založená na rovnováze.
15h 8m
4× print file
0.20 mm
0.60 mm
244.00 g
updated April 18, 2022



The game is meant to be played by two players. The goal of the game is to place as many cubes on the base without it falling apart. The player that makes the build fall loses. The game rules can vary, it all depends on which variation you like best. Here are some rule suggestions:

Each player places their cubes on their own side - yellow on yellow, red on red,…

Players can place their cubes on either side of the base, whichever player makes the build fall, loses.

You must place the cubes in a way that there is no space inbetween them.

In the end it all depends on what you come up with.


Hra je určená pro dva hráče a jejím cílem je dát na základnu co nejvíce kostiček tak, aniž by stavba spadla. Hráč kterému jeho kostičky spadnou, prohrává. Hra může mít mnoho variant, záleží, jaká pravidla si vymyslíte. Zde jsou nějaké návrhy:

  1. Oba hráči pokládá svoje kostky jen na stranu podle zvolené barvy. Červené na červenou, žluté na žlutou.
  2. Hráči mohou pokládat kostky libovolně. Kterému hráči po položení poslední kostky celá stavba spadne, prohrál.
  3. Kostky se ve hře musí pokládat tak, aby mezi nimi nevznikaly mezery.

Záleží na Vaší fantazii, jak si hru upravíte.

The game is meant to be played by two players. The goal of the game is to place as many cubes on the base without it falling apart. The player that makes the build fall loses. The game rules can vary, it all depends on which variation you like best. Here are some rule suggestions:

Each player places their cubes on their own side - yellow on yellow, red on red,…

Players can place their cubes on either side of the base, whichever player makes the build fall, loses.

You must place the cubes in a way that there is no space inbetween them.

In the end it all depends on what you come up with.


Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
