Update I have done a 'version 2' of this object: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5169130 . It's not a huge change,…
updated April 9, 2022




I have done a 'version 2' of this object: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5169130 . It's not a huge change, it mostly fixes some anatomical/proportional issues. However the new version is also more bulky with defined musculature. If you prefer a slimmer version, feel free to use this old version.

A sculpt of Atlas with a cutout for a lamp, holding a lithophane earth.


  1. Glue the halves of the earth together.
  2. Glue the earth onto Atlas.
  3. Insert lamp that fits hole.


I suggest you disable "Compensate Wall overlaps" for the earth lithophane if you're slicing in cura - otherwise it seems to make an absolute mess of the surface.

Depending on your infill% and lamp weight, the print might become unstable. If you're conserned abouts stability, I recommend you add some sort of stand/pedistal/floor underneath Atlas.

Different sizes:

There are two sizes available in the downloads, normal size and "mmm_75" variants. The 100% size needs a print XY area of at least 23x23cm, and the 75% needs 17x17cm.

The standard version is made to fit a normal E27 lightbulb, the smaller variant needs a smaller light-fixture. You can download the zzz_Alt_model if you want to make your own custom-tailored cutout for your own lamp.


Don't rescale the earth model. The lithophane earth has thin walls to let light through - if you rescale the model, the earth will not slice properly.

Category: Decor


Model origin

The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.


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