Fan Holder for Costume Glove Dryer

Adapter from a 40 mm fan to a 40 mm sewer pipe
updated April 3, 2022



Costumes often have gloves and they tend to get sweaty - this is especially an issue with fursuit hands. A dryer is simple to build: just get two short pieces of 40mm sewer pipe, two 12V fans that ideally still run on 5V so you can use an USB charger or battery, and something to attach the fans to the pipes. Before I had a 3D printer it looked like this, but I couldn't find the fans the previous night and there was a convention coming up soon. With the printer the answer to all questions seems to be PLA, so I quickly created this holder. The most time consuming task is soldering the electrical connections by the way.

The holder is intended to be a tight fit - hence no holes to fasten the fan. You may need to file the sockets for the tube and the fan to fit your equipment, especially the outer dimensions of the fan vary from model to model. Since the fans I took from my "oh I can use that again" box are 15 mm high the holder will accept these.

Though this is more an illustration on how this particular task can be done I've added the FreeCAD file for easy modification and remix. The grill shown in one of the photos is one by capitaenz.


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The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.


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