This is a followup to:
Lack Attack#3: Koppla the Lack:
without further adieu....
Its been a while since my last update, mostly as this part has needed a bunch of other pieces built to get it to a point I was happy with.
Finally getting to the reason for this whole series, enclosing the lack stack...
I've referenced (and stolen from) dozens of models on Thingiverse for this, too many to remember which I borrowed/took inspiration from for what, if you see a part that's based on one of your builds and would like recognition let me know and I'll add it/you.
I would specifically like to recognize threeaxis:
and his enclosure build:
I took a lot of inspiration from it after he pointed me towards it in Part 1 and borrowed many ideas from it.
This is a work in progress for a bit, some parts I haven't printed as posted but they reflect modifications I made manually to make things work better.
As always, comments are greatly appreciated, If you've made/fixed something to work better please let me know so I can fix it for others.
Coming Next:
Attack 5: LACK Attack #5: INREDA the Lack (aka Light The Lack Stack)
Printer Brand: Prusa
Printer: i3 MK2S
Resolution: Varies, detailed below
Infill: Varies, detailed below
Printed primarily in white NGEN, 240C nozzle, 85C bed.
some parts in white RepRapper white PLA, 210C nozzle, 60C bed.
I printed these as oriented in the STL's.
Refer to the BOM's for specific Resolutions and Infill's I used.
Build & General Notes:
This is partially a print build, as well a woodworking build (if you can call a LACK wood...) and part mechanical/electrical, you may need to modify some parts depending on the direction you want to go and the materials you choose in the end.
My build instructions below are based on my configuration of one front door, hinged on the left side; if you want it hinged on the right or want multiple hinged doors adjust them as required (refer to the BOM's for a couple of configurations).
You will also need the following additional products:
a number of no.6x3/4" self tapping screws (with the cut angular face)
If I was building this again I may may the following changes:
I might consider using the 0.20" acrylic sheet instead I'm not sure yet though as its twice the price, twice the weight, but a little more rigid. This top is cumbersome enough to lift/move, the added weight might make that much more difficult.
I built the sides to be locked in place, others use magnets to make them removable. I looked at it as since the whole top is removable why have the sides come off? I may go back and modify it slightly before I seal everything up and hinge the right side door as well, not sure yet.
Step 1. Cut all the things....
Its easiest to get all the cutting out of the way at once, then its just putting it all together, so...
Read thrice, measure twice, and cut once...
Take the 4 spare legs from those and measuring from the open end mark and cut them to 192mm long, this should leave you with 4 hollow leg tubes.
You need to cut the width down from 18" to 442mm (I know I'm mixing units)I opted to use a scribe and straightedge instead of the tablesaw, its just as fast for straight cuts and much less prone to chipping. If you haven't cut acrylic on a tablesaw before, you don't have a triple chip blade, or you don't have spare sheets I'd highly recommend going with the scribe method...
Step 2. Off/On with its legs...
Make the legs:
Make sure they're fully pressed together and straight, I taped them to a couple straightedges until they dried.
You should now have 4x 572mm long legs, this will raise the top up to have open faces just over 24" tall so you don't need to cut the acrylic sheet down in height.
On & off with its legs:
You need:
and 4 ikea leg screws.
You should now have a inverted table with 4 legs, and are one step closer...
Step 3. Walls, supports and fittings...
You need:
6x32x0.35" screws
Now the fun begins...
You need:
printed hinges and backplates from the BOM,
screws, 6x32 & no6.
You should now have a completed enclosure top, last thing to do is stick it on the stack...
You need:
printed bottom post supports from the BOM,
Step 6. Final Touches...
I haven't made it here yet myself, but this is what I plan to do:
add a gasket of some sort to the door, still working this out...
Other add-ons, exhaust fans etc I'll be adding in later Lack Attack builds, they should be coming shortly.
For a Single Door, Hinged on the Left the parts below are required:
Common Parts:
9x Top and Side - Wall Support
For Leg 1:
1x Leg Insert - HL
1x Hinge - Backplate
For Leg 2:
1x Leg Insert - Common
1x Leg Insert - Wall Support - L
For Legs 3&4 (total):
2x Leg Insert - Common
2x Leg Insert - Wall Support - R
For a Single Door, Hinged on the Right the parts below are required:
Common Parts:
1x Drill Guide - HR
9x Top and Side - Wall Support
For Leg 1:
1x Leg Insert - Common
1x Leg Insert - Wall Support - R
For Leg 2:
1x Leg Insert - HR
1x Hinge - Backplate
For Legs 3&4 (total):
2x Leg Insert - Common
v1.0 - Initial upload
Starting to post the thing...
V1.1 - add/re-add steps...
Silly thingiverse and its timeouts... had to write them multiple times...
The author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.