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Spool holder for MK3/S that centers the the spool.
8h 4m
1× print file
0.25 mm
0.40 mm
111.00 g
updated December 24, 2019



Spool holder for MK3/S that centers the the spool. I've noticed that the wobble of the spool affects the extrusion, so i decided to do something to center the spool to spin smoothly.

Print instructions

nothing special: i used PLA @ 220C/70C and 0.25 L.H.

Important: In the G-Code, i've inserted a custom G-code commands in the start and end for insert/ retract 50mm of the filament.
If you wish to use the original MK3s profile, just comment lines (put ; at the begining of the line or just delete it): 34, 35, 1462624, 1462625 and 1462626

the lines are:
line 34: G92 E0.0 ; eu
line 35: G1 E48.0 F1000 ;eu

line 1462624: G92 E0.0 ;eu
line 1462625: G1 E-50.0 F1000 ; eu
line 1462626: G92 E0.0 ; eu

Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
