The HDX organizer bins are cheap and durable, but not a lot of use to somebody with a wide variety of smaller parts (screws, electrical components, etc). This is my attempt at fixing that. It looks like they may also work on the WalMart Hyper Tough version of the organizer as well, but I have not tested it.
I've uploaded some default bins for each slot, but anybody with openscad (or thingiverse customizer) experience can easily modify the amount of X, Y and Z compartments.
This is a work in progress. I'll gladly answer any questions or feedback in the comments. If you're using the customizer, here's a quick description of the variables:
- slot- Each compartment is a different size. Use the last photo in the package to determine which slot number you'd like to make an insert for.
- isTop- If you're making an insert that will be touching the lid, you'll need to set this to 1. Otherwise, it can be set to zero.
- compartmentsX- The amount of compartments across the insert in the X direction.
- compartmentsY- The amount of compartments across the insert in the Y direction.
- compartmentsZ- The amount of compartments acr0ss the insert in the Z direction. How many inserts will be stacked inside of the slot.
- wallThickness- How thick the outside walls and dividers will be in mm.
- chamferRadiusOuter- the roundness of the outside of the insert.
- chamferRadiusInner- The roundness of the inside of the insert.
To Do:
- Measure, print and publish bins for a few more slots on the organizer.
- Figure out a way to make the top bins seal better. Smaller screws and nuts still slide through.
The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.