Spool holder for original Capricorn TL ptfe reverse bowden mk3s

Spool holder for capricorn ptfe reverse bowden mk3s
updated March 1, 2022



This is a spool holder for Original Capricorn TL ptfe reverse bowden mk3s.

The bearing inside the head accompanies the capricorn tube in every movement.


























There are no problems with the calibration of the Z axis because the m6 nut is recessed in the hexagonal seat.


























The spool Holder allows to accommodate spools with a width from 65mm to 75mm having the double bearings.

The Spool holder can also be used without PTFE tube by printing two equal cylindrical spacers.

Necessary material:

Stl files

1 X M6 nut

1 X KR 16 PP m6 bearing. Head diameter 16mm, overall length 29.5mm ,threaded part with pin 16mm.

1 X original Capricorn TL 1 meter

8 X 28x12x8mm bearing without seal for spool holder.




Model origin

The author hasn't provided the model origin yet.
