This is a simple little box to hold a digital voltage meter to the 2020 extrusion. The voltage modules are available for about $1 from china. Here is a link to one, I have no financial interest in it.
These just hook up to the power supply with 2 wires, positive and negative, nothing else needed. For me it is an easy way to monitor the power supply health and I think it looks cool. I run my power supply at 14.1 volts to heat the bed quicker.
The module is a press fit into the holder. If your machine is calibrated well, it will slide in with very light pressure and nothing else will be needed, although you could probably use a dab of hot melt glue if necessary.
Sketchup source is included. Enjoy!!!
Category: 3D Printer PartsThe author marked this model as their own original creation. Imported from Thingiverse.